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Re: emasculater,wether maker

Posted by Gretchen on April 30, 2001 at 18:19:22:

In Reply to: emasculater,wether maker posted by goat mom on April 29, 2001 at 12:18:07:

Using the Burdizzo to castrate is bloodless. There are no open sores to get infected or pick up tetanus. The testicles slowly atrophy and shrink up, they do not drop off.
You want the small burdizzo. Have someone hold the kid (easier if you have two people to hold), or an older buck can be tied short and held against a wall. The person with the burdizzo then grasps the scrotum and identifies one testicle. Feeling upward, he should identify the cord (its toward the outside). The burdizzo is placed across the cord. CARE MUST BE TAKEN THAT THE CENTER DIVISION IS NOT INCLUDED, or serious trouble could arise later (the blood supply comes through the center) The handles of the burdizzo are then closed and held closed for a few seconds. The same procedure is repeated on the second testicle.
This was partly copied from the book A VETERINARY GUIDE for ANIMAL OWNERS


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