GOAT 911 "Alabama - GoatWorld Goat 911 Emergency Contact List" GWEEN

This page contains emergency contact information for the state of Alabama as well as links and information to other resources (when made available).

Name: Don Jackson "Non-Vet"
Location: Chelsea, Alabama
Telephone: Not Listed
Email: ochocodj@bellsouth.net
Calls Accepted: Please Email First
Goat Familiarity: Nubian
Experience: "We have had goats for 30 years and just about anything has come our way. We can only offer past experienced and hope and pray it helps someone. Please email us first we will give you a call if something pops to memory. So many have helped me in years past. I understand and still experiance the need for help from others. We never stop learning when we are open."
Did you find inaccurate information on this page? If you found an emergency contact that can no longer be contacted (invalid telephone number, incorrect email address, wrong information, etc.), please let us know so we can keep the list accurate.

Agricultural Research Service

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©Gary Pfalzbot, Colorado, USA
This site is run and operated by a Disabled Veteran