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"Goat World 911 Contact Names & Telephone Numbers" |
Before you call any of the Emergency Contacts listed here, it is necessary that you check the Vital Signs of your goat(s). The Emergency Contact person's are going to ask this information of you right away so they can quickly assess the situation and advise you accordingly. *** Please also be sure to read our Legal Disclaimer regarding use of this list. *** ![]()
Do you have an emergency situation and you're not sure exactly what to do to help your goat(s)? As a courtesy, others who have much experience in the care and raising of goats have offered their expertise and have agreed to have their personal phone numbers posted in this section. Each contact has listed their area of expertise and times they will be available to accept your call.
Your goat's life may depend upon it!
Please click here to signup! |
Location: Chelsea, Alabama Telephone: Not Listed Email: ochocodj@bellsouth.net Calls Accepted: Please Email First Goat Familiarity: Nubian Experience: "We have had goats for 30 years and just about anything has come our way. We can only offer past experienced and hope and pray it helps someone. Please email us first we will give you a call if something pops to memory. So many have helped me in years past. I understand and still experiance the need for help from others. We never stop learning when we are open."
Name: Rhonda Jean Kelley "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Victoria, Australia Telephone: Please Email First Email: jezzy_chick@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: Please Email First Goat Familiarity: Nubian, Saanen, Toggenburg, Boer Experience: "I have bred goats for a number of years and am working at the local vet as a volunteer. When I finish school I am going to become a vet. I love animals and would do anything to help them. I wanted to be listed so I can help my goats, but other peoples goats as well."
Name: Dr. Sandra Baxendell, "Veterinarian" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Flippin, Arkansas Telephone: (870) 453-8291 Email: floydfam@hotmail.com Calls Accepted: None between midnight and 7am please (unless it's a doe kidding and you're stuck - then go ahead and call, just speak slowly! Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Nubian, La Mancha Experience: "I have been a breeder for 11 years, show extensively and have been on DHIR and LA. I am also an RN with ICU and ER experience (15 years). I do most of my own vet care except for C-sections, have an extensive library and if it's a problem I can't help with, I can probably find you someone who can."
Name: Madisyn Witcher, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
This space reserved in fond memory of Marvin and Ruth Haas If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Southern Colorado Telephone: (719) 369-2378 Email: gary@goatworld.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Brush Goat, Saanen, Myotonic, Boer, LaMancha, Nubian, Pygmy, Angora Experience: "I've been dealing with goat issues and building the GoatWorld web site for many years now. I have raised goats in 4H as a young boy and also have a great deal of experience with all classes of livestock. If I can't help you I can most often get you in touch with or refer you to somebody who can."
Name: Linda Houle, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: 23212 Drage Pakostane, Croatia Telephone: +385 (23) 635120 Email: upm.katja@mail.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Other Experience: "Used to keep goats and going to do so again. I want to help and learn all I can." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Egypt Telephone: 022 02 2500664 Email: yasser_kamel@hotmail.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Not Specified Experience: "Not Specified" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Wellborn, Florida Telephone: (386) 963-3625 Email: jumpingjan@aol.com Calls Accepted: Until 10 PM - during the weekday I can be reached at (386) 364-2727 - 7 AM to 3 PM Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Boer, Nubian Experience: "I have been raising goats for 5 years now. I have pulled babies, bottle fed, tube fed, taught one to walk again, trim hooves, de-worming (oral and injectable). I am secretary of the Florida Meat Association. If I don't have the answer I can get it."
Name: Kathy Sarmiento, "Non-Vet" This space reserved in fond memory of William ("Bill") F. Cox. Bill passed away just before Christmas 2001 after battling a long-term illness. Despite being house-bound for quite some time, Bill was very instrumental in helping many goat owners in need. We will very much miss Bill and all the help and care he provided. He and his family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Ohio, Illinois Telephone: (815) 376-2076 Email: gg4you4170@aol.com Calls Accepted: Not specified Goat Familiarity: Nubian Experience: "I have purbred Nubians. I am also a human Prenatal instructor so babies have been my life. Call me if you need my help."
Name: Emily Thiel, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Corydon, Indiana Telephone: (812) 738-6869 Email: dawn8469@gmail.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Boer, Nubian, LaMancha, Other Experience: "I have had goats for over 15 years. I am currently raising Nigerians, Mini-Mancha's and Nubians. I have experienced alot of differnt illnesses,ailments, and injuries. You can give me a call and if I can't help you I will steer you in the right direction." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Fort Madison, Iowa Telephone: (217) 242 0010 Email: jmansheim7@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Other Experience: "I have owned goats for 4 years. I take care of mine all by natural methods unless I absolutely have to use other forms of medicine or wormers. I Am willing to offer any assistance I can. I do not have a mentor or anyone in my area willing to help, so I know first hand, how valuable someones wisdom and knowledge can be. I raise Nigerian Dwarf Milking Goats. I have never had any others in my area that raised dairy goats, or Nigerian Dwarfs. I would have loved to learn through someones mentoring and assistance. I know how valuable knowledge can be, especially when your trying anything you can and praying for answers. I am willing to help in any area I can even if it is not an emergency." This space reserved in fond memory of Tom Swale. If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Adel, Georgia Telephone: Information Not Provided Email: Sassy9988@yahoo.com Goat Familiarity: Boer, Nubian, Spanish, Other Experience: "Information Not Provided." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Mulvane, Kansas Telephone: (316) 631-5293 Email: Amandadonosaurus@gmail.com Goat Familiarity: Boer, Nubian, Other Experience: "Family farm operation for a few years now." Date Listed: April 12th, 2022 If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
This space reserved in fond memory of Barbara Howard who was instrumental in helping countless people with their goats for many years. Barbara was one of the first contacts on Goat 911. We will very much miss Barbara and all the help and care she provided. She and her family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: DeRidder, Louisiana Telephone: (337) 463-6925 Email: neverdone@beci.net Calls Accepted: After 5pm - (We both work full time) Goat Familiarity: Boer, Spanish, Angora Experience: "We are goat owners and producers since 1995. We still make mistakes and sometimes have to ask for help ourselves but we have learned over the years and can let you know what we would do and what has worked for us on our ranch. We hope we can help someone save a goat. We have learned from our mistakes and feel like we have some good advice to offer."
Name: Debbie Lofton, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Harrington, Maine Telephone: (207) 483-4543 Email: sallygoatress@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: 24/7 Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Other Experience: "Raise Alpines, Oberhasli, Recorded Grade and Nigerian Dwarf. Have a large herd (about 80). The goats are a show herd. We do the majority of our "vet" needs. Please feel free to call with problems. We use both homeopathic, herbal and traditional medicines plus good old common sense on our goats. I remember how difficult it was when we first started finding someone with knowledge about goats. We always tell people to call us with problems and/or questions rather than let the animals suffer. If we don't know the answer, we will try to help you find a vet knowledgable about goats." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Telephone: 6016-266-5454 Email: abrash@mardi.my Calls Accepted: Timeframe not indicated Goat Familiarity: Boer, Saanen, Other Experience: "I am doing research in assisted reproduction such as AI and ET in goat and sheep. I am the vet for small ruminant in an agriculture research institute in Malaysia." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Bishopville, Maryland Telephone: (410) 352-9983 Email: bluemoonacres@aol.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Nigerian Dwarf, LaMancha, Other Experience: "I have been working with goats for years and have delivered many births. I have a very good medical background that is helpful with goats. I have Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats and Lamanchas. So I can help with the small and large goats. I feel that I can help in times of need. I am a quick thinker and reactor. I am already helping on another goat board. I have helped with GoatWorld 911 calls before."
Name: Mildred Bowie, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Name: Bryan Bare, "Vet-Tech" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Pembroke, Massachusetts Telephone: (781) 293-7776 Email: Janbouree@aol.com Calls Accepted: Not specified; Emails are answered promptly as well. Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Toggenburg Experience: "I've been raising and showing Toggenburgs since 1978. When I first started out I learned a lot from my mentors. I'd enjoy the opportunity to give back to the "goatworld" since it was so generously given to me when I needed help - and boy did I need help back then - If only I'd written a book!"
Name: Sara Davis, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: North Lakeport, Michigan Telephone: (810) 327-0692 Email: malickfarms@comcast.net Calls Accepted: Anytime - Emergencies happen anytime! Goat Familiarity: Boer, La Mancha, Other Experience: "Kidding, Naval Ill, Septecemia, Alleriges, Pneumonia, Eating problems, Behavior Issues, Broken bones, Nursing , Milking and much more. "
Name: Brian Farrell, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Pipestone, Minnesota Telephone: (507) 825-5765 Email: boergoats@earthlink.net Calls Accepted: Definately in emergency situations only.. Goat Familiarity: Boer, Nubian, Spanish, Kiko Experience: "My name is Linda Flanagan and I have Boer X nannies and fullblood Boer bucks. We have been raising goats for about 2 years now. I know it hasn't been that long but I have dealt with alot of different diseases and illnesses so far. We have about 38 head now and plan on buying some more in the near future. I am willing to help anybody that would need it in our area which is in southwest Minnesota. I have been in situations when we first started out with the goat business where I had no one to turn to, its a comforting feeling talking to someone who can help out in some way. I want to be the one to help in this area of Minnesota." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Jackson, Mississippi Telephone: Email: goodnewsdoc@juno.com Calls Accepted: Email only please. Goat Familiarity: Boer, Nubian Experience: "Experienced in virtually all aspects of small herd health care, management, housing, and fencing. I own herd of Boer and Boer/Nubian crosses. Experienced in problem birthings and newborn/weak kid care, weak legs, tube feeding, internal/external parasite control and dosage levels of popular wormers, disbudding, goat polio (polioencephalamacia), eye infections, hoof care, overeating disease (enterotoxemia), tetanus, vaccines, abscesses including CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis), antibiotics, and so forth. I moderate the 448 member BoerGoats discussion group. Our herd was featured in Florida Monthly Magazine and our farm was one of six featured on the 2001 Santa Rosa County Farm Tour. Our County Extension Agent refers goat-related inquiries to me on a regular basis. I'm willing to visit and assess herds and assist owners as long as the owner fully understands that I am NOT a vet and I make no guarantees; I know my limits and will quickly advise owners that they need to seek professional veterinary assistance if the situation or illness warrants. Please know the animal's vital statistics (temperature and respiration rate) before you call. Please have animals penned before you ask me to come to your farm. There's no charge for the visit, but I do expect compensation for materials/medications used to treat your goat(s)." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Rocky Comfort, Missouri Telephone: (417) 435-2684 Email: tillotso@leru.net Calls Accepted: It is best to email me, the phone is shared with the computer. Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Saanen, Nubian Experience: "I have been around livestock most all of my life and I worked with a veterinarian for a long time in the field, I have owned goats for several years and I have helped many folks, and will do my best to help now, and If I feel I can not I will say so. I want to help in any way I can with my knowledge of animals mostly with goats, I fell I can help others that are needing advise or help."
Name: Jill Landers, "Non-Vet"
Name: Kristyn, "Non-Vet"
Name: Tina M. Boettcher, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Vaughn, Montana Telephone: (406) 964-1138 Email: cree77@3rivers.net Calls Accepted: Not specified - would prefer email first. Goat Familiarity: Other Experience: "I have only had my goats for a year so am no expert..Although I have had livestock for 40 years and have always been very health conscious. We have been through one very successful kidding, disbuding, casteration, CAE testing, Vacinations (well the works I guess) I am willing to help in any way that I can. I am on line most of the time so would prefer email first... "
Name: Lee Gardner, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Kearney, Nebraska Telephone: (308) 234-9329 Email: bobbi_bowl@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: Yes Goat Familiarity: Boer, Spanish Experience: "I have been raising meat goats now for about 10 years. I have gotten into all sorts of 'learning experiences'. I would like to share help and receive help also." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Wellington, Nevada Telephone: (775) 230-2873 Email: svfmopars@hughes.net Calls Accepted: Yes Goat Familiarity: Nigerian Dwarves, Pygmys Experience: "I have been raising nigerian dwarf goats for eight years. I have a herd of thirty one, two are pigmy's. I have five dogs five cats and one goose." I want to be listed because: "I may be able to help! every past problem I have had will help someone somewhere!" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Jemseg, New Brunswick Telephone: (506) 488-2123 Email: Not Listed Calls Accepted: Evening phone calls are the best time. Goat Familiarity: Saanen, Toggenburg, LaMancha Experience: "I have been raising goats for 7 years. My experience ranges from using homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, unconventional methods and conventional medicine."
Name: Amy Miller, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Jackson, New Jersey Telephone: (732) 928-9213 Email: goatwoods@aol.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Alpine, LaMancha Experience: "Poisonings, vitamin deficiencies, all around general health. I have a veterinarian well versed in goats that I can quickly contact for answers. Everyone needs help at some time and there are places that it is hard to reach a vet that knows about goats." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Telephone: (505) 281-3297 Email: vharrisrn@mindspring.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Pygmy, Nigerian, Boer, Other Experience: "I have been involved in the livestock industry for 30 years in one form or another. I have worked with cattle, sheep, horses and chickens in the past. I have been raising pygmy and nigerian dwarf goats for the past 13 years. I am also a registered nurse, specializing in premature and sick infants. I feel with my experience and medical background I can be of help to folks who need it. I specialize in pygmy goat reproductive and kidding problems." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Pine City, New York Telephone: (607) 732-4987 Email: TheFarm@CapricornHill.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Boer, Saanen, Toggenburg, Spanish, Nubian, TMG, Other Experience: ": We have 85 breeding does in our commercial meat goat herd of combined breeds. Emergencies happen and I will do what I can to help you stabilize your situation. Go to our web site for "Sick Goat Worksheets" that will help you gather the information to let me, your vet, or another goat producer help you. Before you call, get the facts! If it's an emergency, don't hesitate to call. We all have problems from time to time, and every question is important."
Name: Laura Martin, "Non-Vet"
Name: Mary VanDuyne, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Durham, North Carolina Telephone: (919) 596-0984 Email: maggidans@msn.com Calls Accepted: Anytime, but I can be grumpy in the wee hours of the morning. I also work M-F 6am - 3pm Goat Familiarity: Pygmy Experience: "My husband and I have raised and shown pygmy goats extensively for almost 10 years. We have a herd of 55 or so including a National Champion buck. We are good "coaches" through difficult birthings and illnesses having learned to handle most of those ourselves (everything but a c section). We handle nearly all of our own doctoring: vaccinations, disbuddings, castrations, sick goats, weak kids and are happy to share what we've learned. We can be helpful when you are trying to deal with a less than knowledgable vet (no offense intended) when trying to diagnose or treat a condition."
Name: Ginger Lehman, "Non-Vet"
Name: Terri Kirk, "Non-Vet"
Name: Rita & Anna Miller, "Non-Vet"
Name: Cameron Miller-Grant, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Johnstown, Ohio Telephone: (740) 966-0450 Email: comet7288@centurylink.net Calls Accepted: Unspecified Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Boer, Toggenburg, Nubian, Lamancha, Other Experience: "I have had goats for over 12 years, we have dealt with a lot of different issues, if we dont't know the answers we will find out. I care about goats, and the people that own them and as I have found out for myself not many vets. around that know much about goats."
Name: Rachel Coutermarsh, "Non-Vet" This space reserved in honor of Juanita Reid who was listed here for many years. From GoatWorld and all the goat owners she has helped, THANK YOU.
If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Henryetta, Oklahoma Telephone: (918) 466-3288 Email: juliesgoats@gmail.com Calls Accepted: Anytime except 10PM through 7AM (see below) Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Saanen, Nubian, La Mancha Experience: "I have been raising Dairy goats, Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, & LaMancha's for 16 years now. I typically have 30+ goats at any time. We hand milk up to 20 girls every day twice a day, raise our babies by hand, and I do all my own vet work. I've probably seen it all over these years, but then again "your not safe from surprise til your dead!" I've assisted all types of abnormal birthings, diseases, injuries, I've given countless shots, [I use antibiotics and herbal remedies]I've given stitches, braced broken bones, I've done two c-sections and extracted live babies in the cases both mothers had to be put down, which was known before I started. I firmly believe in God and sanctity of life, though I am NOT an animal-rights-nut. I use minerals extensively and am learning more about them daily. I am willing to help anyone with any goat-related questions. Please do not call me at night unless you have a real emergency. Any other time is fine." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: RR#2 Scotland, ON Telephone: (519) 446-2392 Email: maitai@execulink.com Calls Accepted: Evenings - Evenings are best but can also e-mail as I check it regularly. Goat Familiarity: Saanen, La Mancha, Nubian, Other Experience: "I have had goats about 20 years and therefore have experienced most of the problems that can occur. I have a good general knowledge of their health and care. I do not work as a Technician anymore but did so for a number of years, I graduated from Centralia College (Southern Ontario Canada) in 1973 with my AHT. I do all of my own herd health under the supervision of my Veterinarians and have a lot of reference material at my disposal."
Name: Norman T. Shillingford, "Non-Vet"
Name: Christine Deforest, "Non-Vet"
Name: Dawn Stead, "Non-Vet"
Name: Glenda Dezell-Radke, "Non-Vet"
Name: Sue Lethbridge, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Estacada, Oregon Telephone: (503) 637-3021 Email: ceddy@netzero.net Calls Accepted: Please email first, if not a life and death emergency. Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Saanen, La Mancha Experience: "I am actively involved in raising packgoats, and their needs are not exactly the same as dairy goats. I have much knowledge about raising and training packgoats that I would like to share. I also have much knowledge about goat medicine and feel that I can be of help in an emergency situation. I prefer to help people work through the questions they need to ask their vet, rather than relying on me as a vet substitute."
Name: Vicki Anglin, "Non-Vet"
Name: Katie Ridley, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Mercer, Pennsylvania Telephone: (724) 748-9124 Email: drmthyme@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: 8:00AM until 10:00PM --- use email first Goat Familiarity: Boer, Saanen, Other Experience: "I have raised goats for over 10 years. We have a herd of over 200 with a combination of milk, meat and show goats. (Saanens, Boers and Nigerian Dwarves). I am a 4-H leader for goats, have kept active in any education or seminars, and I had my share of experience, both positive and negative. Two of my best friends are vets and we are always sharing information and new treatments. I have experience in difficult births and using natural remedies in addition to mainstream remedies for ailments. I know when a vet should be called, so make sure that you have a vet to call in case of emergencies."
Name: Nick Pudliner, "Non-Vet"
Name: Brian J. Bauer, "Non-Vet"
Name: Betty Quintana, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Santee, South Carolina Telephone: (803) 897-3078 Email: miseryfarm@aol.com Calls Accepted: All Hours Goat Familiarity: Boer, Spanish Experience: "We are co-founders of the SC Meat Goat Association. Have been raising goats for 12 years. Willing to provide help through experience and research. Can contact an experienced Vet, who has a thorough knowledge of goats. Available by e-mail and phone (803) 897-3078."
Name: Sandy Mathis, "Vet Tech"
Name: Greg Weigold, "Non-Vet"
Name: Kevin Old, "Non-Vet"
Name: Sheryl Chesney, "Non-Vet"
Name: Holly Murray, "Non-Vet" This space is reserved for Barbara Still who is recovering from back surgery. Barbara has been a great asset to Goat 911 and has helped many people. She anticipates returning to the Goat 911 list someday if possible. In any event, this space serves as a reminder to the great service she has provided. If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Tenerife, Spain Telephone: 034922794259 Email: coolrafi@hotmail.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Toggenburg, Brush Goat Experience: "To provide help and immediate information." If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Atoka, Tennessee Telephone: Home - (901) 837-7827 Work - (901) 775-8129 Email: sawtree@bigriver.net Calls Accepted: Home (late evening) or work (but keep short please) Goat Familiarity: Boer Experience: "We've had our Boers about four years, so am still a bit of a newbie. Our vets are learning goats in a sort of partnership with us, and encourage me to do as much as possible for my goats. Couple that with a love of reading and an inquiring mind, and I've been fortunate to learn a lot about goats and care in a short time. We have a little over 60 goats, so have lots of 'learning experiences'. Call me anytime - if I don't feel I can help, I'll have suggestions as to who can. Even though I'm not an expert, I have experienced my share of problems, and usually keep a cool head in an emergency. If I can help just one person save a goat, I am more than glad to do so."
Name: Brenda and Bill Corey, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Schulenburg, Texas Telephone: (979) 562-2680 Email: lazyjboer@webtv.net Calls Accepted: Anytime, day or night Goat Familiarity: Boer Experience: "I have raised goats for 9 years. I can provide help through knowledge, experience and research. We raise and breed Boer goats. We are located in South Central Texas"
Name: Fred C. Homeyer, "Non-Vet"
Name: Peggy Taylor, "Non-Vet"
Name: W.J. McSpadden, "Non-Vet"
Name: Cole Hutcheson, "Non-Vet"
Name: Kurt Henry, "Non-Vet"
Name: John & Frankie Jim Bockman, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Mona, Utah Telephone: (435) 623-5798 Email: Diana@7mfarm.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Nubian Experience: "I have been raising goats and other farm animals for 13 years now. I would be happy to help in the area of "alternative pracitces" for your goat health problems. I deal mainly with herbal remedies, but do have some knowledge of the basic medicinal treatments as well. I have a website where many day to day problems are addressed, and the NORMAL stats and basic information about feeding, raising, and kidding problems are addressed. I am happy to take phone calls, as well as emails. I write articles on Herbal Treatments for Farm Animals, for 3 goat magazines, have authored a book, and produce our own formulations. Normal goat stats, and basic goat health info can be found at http://www.7mfarm.com/goat-health.html " If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Suffolk, Virginia Telephone: (757) 652-0327 leave message Email: devinefarms@hughes.net Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Boer, other Website: http://www.devinefarms.net" Experience: "We are a small farm in Southern Suffolk,VA since 2005 that specializes in Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf goats. Formerly, we raised Boer goats. Had horses most of our lives as well and still do. Currently we raise goats, Registered Dexter cattle, Kunekune, Livestock Guardian dogs and Poultry.
Name: Thomas W. Gautier Jr, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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Location: Allyn, Washington Telephone: (360) 275-4236 Email: penny.lilhooves.tyler@gmail.com Calls Accepted: Try email first. Call anytime, but I'm not a morning person but I will help if I can. No answering machine so keep trying. Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Nubian, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Pygmy Experience: "I have been raising goats for more than 16 years. I have experience with dairy goat management and health I had a herd of about 50 . I have been trained by the state of Washington Extension Service as a Washington State Master Goat Farmer. I have been raising Nigerian Dwarf goats for more than 12 years, I maintain a herd of close to 100 Nigerian Dwarves. I have worked with youth 4-H and have mentored many new goat owners. I would like to help people learn to take better care of their goats, hopefully to help save lives. I had awonderful mentor and I would like to share my knowledge."
Name: Melinda Dauley, "Veterinary Assistant" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Bluefield, West Virginia Telephone: (304) 589-3972 Email: csprings@stargate.net Calls Accepted: Anytime, day or during the night: (emergency situations only please) Goat Familiarity: Boer, LaMancha, Nubian, TMG, Spanish, Angora Experience: "I have been breeding and raising goats for about 5 + years. I'm also a distributor for Springbriar Farm's Nutritional Products. I've dealt with many situations on my farm when unable to locate a Veterinarian, thus forcing me to learn from a hands on approach. I've done a great deal of research i.e. reading, studying and hands on in many instances with sick goats, birthing difficulties, poisonnous plant ingestion, etc. I will be happy to offer assistance any time I am able to do so; if I am unable to assist you then I will locate someone who will. I am not a Vet but I deal with the goats of Chestnut Springs Farm on a daily basis. "
Name: Tyler White, "Non-Vet"
Name: Elva Lamont, "Non-Vet"
Name: Don Montgomery, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: Berlin, Wisconsin Telephone: (920) 229-2822 Email: tjb018@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: Anytime Goat Familiarity: Alpine, Boer, Saanen, Nubian, LaMancha Experience: "I have been raising goats for 3 1/2 years now. New to it but have encountered many different things. I am they type of person if I dont know I don't quit looking or asking until I find out what the problem is. I do not take losing an animal for an answer and do whatever it takes to help them! I want to help others who need the help and dont know where else to turn! Also i have a great love for animals and hate to see them suffering. If I can help I will do anything possible."
Name: Vicki Olson, "Non-Vet"
Name: Susan Romine, "Non-Vet"
Name: Jennifer Digman, "Non-Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
If you have used this list and found a contact that is no longer available,
Location: 23212 Drage Pakostane, Croatia Telephone: +385 (23) 635120 Email: upm.katja@mail.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Other Experience: "Used to keep goats and going to do so again. I want to help and learn all I can."
Name: Mohammad Younos, "Veterinarian"
Name: Aþkýn KOR, "Non-Vet"
Name: Serhat Bayramoglu, "Vet" If you would like to be listed as a contact for this state, please use this link.
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